Six Therapeutic Usages for Salmon Oil in Dogs: What the Studies Say About Dosage | Brilliant Petcare


therapeutic uses of salmon oil for dogs

Six Therapeutic Usages for Salmon Oil in Dogs: What the Studies Say About Dosage

Salmon oil, along with the rest of the marine-based supplements provide plenty of benefits for both dogs and humans. But did you know that salmon oil can be therapeutically used for dogs? 

Consider salmon oil as a juicy treat that your canine will adore. Additionally, your pet can enjoy many health benefits by using it. 

Let’s unravel the science behind the therapeutic usage of salmon oil in dogs! Stay with us!

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Benefits of Salmon Oil on Dogs 

Salmon oil is made from the offcuts of fresh salmon. It is also known for being rich in “healthy fats” and it is recommended for daily usage. 

Brilliant Salmon Oil is a great supplement that is recommended for daily usage. Many dogs without any health issues use this supplement due to its amazing effects and ingredients. 

The good properties of salmon oil are thanks to its omegas, including: 

  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
  • ALA (alpha lipoic acid) 

Marine-based products have many benefits for the:

This is the reason why omega-rich food has become recommended for many diseases. 

Six Therapeutic Usages of Omegas for Dogs

One study from 1970 found out that Eskimos are large consumers of meat and fish and therefore rarely get ischemic heart disease.

Since then, the general public has been advised to increase their fish oil intake. Additionally, many studies confirmed positive effects when certain diseases occur.

Let’s discuss the most common diseases that can be treated with salmon oil and its omegas!

#1 Inflammatory skin disorders

Fish oil has been largely used for itchy skin diseases in dogs. 

After 2-4 weeks, fish oil supplements can reduce itchiness. Regular usage of fish oil can lead to healthy skin and shiny coats. 

One study investigated the effect of linoleic acid compared to EPA and DHA. 

The results showed significantly improved dogs’ skin itching, alopecia, and coat changes. These changes were seen thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil. 

Omega-rich supplements also create a skin barrier. This will moisturize the skin and protect the dog from severe skin conditions. 

Thanks to this barrier, it will help keep your pet free from fleas during the spring season. Fleas don’t like clean and healthy skin, so this is another reason to add fish oil to your pet’s diet. 

However, don’t think of fish oil as a total repellent for fleas! It will simply help avoid this issue for your dog.

#2 Cardiovascular disorders

Heart failure patients have low concentrations of EPA because of this illness. It is well known that fish oil is highly recommended for both dogs and humans with cardiovascular diseases. But why? 

Fish oil can lower triglyceride levels and lead to normal blood pressure. Its omegas decrease the production of the inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor and IL-1, which are associated with heart diseases. 

Omega can also lead to atrial fibrillation improvements. 

Also, fish oil can reduce the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias in Boxers with right ventricular cardiomyopathy. 

You should never underestimate any heart disease. These diseases can lead to sudden death or long-term consequences. 

#3 Renal (kidney) diseases

Renal (kidney) diseases lead to kidney destruction and issues regarding the filtering of waste products. This can lead to compromised electrolyte and fluid balance. 

Omegas can positively impact patients with renal diseases. Omegas can:

  • Reduce proteinuria (presence of abnormal levels of protein in urine)
  • Prevent glomerular hypertension (which otherwise accelerates kidney disease)
  • Decrease proinflammatory eicosanoids

Additionally, omegas can stimulate the patient’s appetite since kidney diseases can exhaust dogs and lead to appetite decrease. 

Also, omegas protect the filtering units of the kidneys, which can improve the overall condition of patients with kidney diseases. 

Top tip: Before adding fish oil to your pet’s diet, make sure to check its label. We advise consulting with a vet before adding fish oil supplements.

#4 Osteoarthritic diseases

Osteoarthritic diseases can affect both humans and dogs. Usually older dogs and certain breeds are most commonly affected. However, it is not always the case!

These diseases are degenerative and chronic, and include degradation of articular cartilage. Inflammatory processes during arthritic diseases lead to low chondrocyte response and repair. 

Therefore, fish oil can positively impact inflammation and relieve the pain due to arthritis. 

It can also improve mobility in pets with osteoarthritic disorders. 

According to owner-assessed signs, dogs fed with omegas have significantly improved ability to rise from a resting position after 6 weeks of consuming omegas.

Also, after 12 and 24 weeks, dogs had improved ability to walk.

Omegas can also prevent further joint cartilage degradation. Depending on the osteoarthritic stage, omegas can preserve cartilage degradation. 

For treating such issues, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucosamine, and chondroitin are prescribed. But, to improve the healing process, you can add omegas like fish oil. 

Fish oil can also help in managing the pain with its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Other diseases that may be improved with fish oil are: 

  • Hyperlipidemia
  • IBD
  • Cancer 
  • Cognitive function 

#5 Cancer 

The effect of fish oil on cancer is controversial. However, omegas are recommended for colon, breast, or prostate cancer. 

The relation between cancer and omegas is still under research. But omegas are not a substitute treatment for cancer. 

Cancer patients have very low immunity, so they can definitely benefit from the immune-boosting property of fish oil. 

Since cancer can lead to inflammation, tumor growth, and metastasis, fish oil can be a great product for regulating the inflammation process. 

Patients with cancer also show significant weight changes due to long-term therapy and exhaustion. 

Omegas have anti-cachexia properties that might preserve muscle mass and promote overall health. 

Cancer patients have very demanding therapy processes that can lead to fatigue, nausea, and a weak immune system. So, omegas can alleviate some of these side effects. 

#6 Cognitive function 

Fish oil supplementation from a young age can lead to better cognitive function. 

Pregnant dogs that take omegas have better-developed puppies. Additionally, these puppies show better results in training. 

So, supplementing with omegas from a young age is an excellent decision. 

These puppies can better handle stressful situations later in life. Also, they can have a better overall mood. 

EPA and DHA Dosages for Various Clinical Disorders in Dogs

Clinical disorder Dosage (mg/kg0.75) Approximate EPA and DHA dose for a 10kg (22lb) dog (mg)
Idiopathic hyperlipidemia 120 675
Kidney disease 140 790
Cardiovascular disorders 115 645
Osteoarthritis 310 1745
Inflammatory or immunologic (atopy or IBD) 125 700

Minimum Essential Fatty Acid Levels in Grams in Dogs and Cats

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) + Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
Dogs (Growth) Dogs (Adult Maintenance)  Cats (Growth) Cats (Adult Maintenance) 
NRC RA 0.13 0.11 0.025 0.025
AAFCO 0.1 Not determined 0.03 Not determined

In general, all pet food should contain essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. 

The minimum requirements are shown in the table above. 

The most common source of these fatty acids is fish oil. However, there are other sources, such as: 

  • Corn oil 
  • Soybean oil
  • Canola oil
  • Flaxseed oil 

However, fish is the most recommended source of omegas. These alternatives are mostly rich in ALA. 

If your dog’s food already contains EPA and DHA, try to reduce the dose of supplemental fish oil. To do this properly, you can consult with your veterinarian. 

For example, if your pet has arthritic issues, its prescribed food probably contains large quantities of omegas. So, additional supplementation can lead to harmful consequences. 

Important info: Not all foods that contain omegas contain enough EPA and DHA. So, read the manufacturer’s manual carefully before supplementing your pet.

EPA + DHA for Adult Maintenance: Intake, Allowance, Safe Upper Limit, & Doses

Adequate intake Recommended allowance Safe upper limit Suggested supplemental dose
Dog (body weight, 10 kg) 169 mg (0.03 × 100.75) 169 mg (0.03 × 100.75) 2080 mg (0.37 × 100.75) 500–750 mg (50–75 mg/kg × 10 kg)
Cat (body weight, 5 kg) 7.3 mg (0.0025 × 50.67) 7.3 mg (0.0025 × 50.67) Not available 150–250 mg (30–50 mg/kg × 5 kg)

Factors For Success With Salmon Oil Supplements For Dogs

Many studies are researching the benefits of healthy fats supplements. But the appropriate amount depends on the following: 

  • Patient
  • History of illnesses 
  • Clinical signs
  • Concurrent diseases

Fish oil, just like any other dog supplement, needs to be carefully dosed. Although EPA and DHA can affect the dog positively, they need to be properly dosed. 

Also, there is a significant difference between dosing the EPA and DHA in dogs and cats. In most cases, cats have lower doses. But, the pet’s weight also affects the dose. 

If there is a history of illnesses, the dose might also vary. In some cases, omegas can do more harm than good, and that is why we advise consulting with a professional. 

Current clinical signs and diseases might also affect omega intake.

Read more: Find out how long it takes for salmon oil to work for dogs!

What Is the Best Salmon Oil for Dogs?

Brilliant Salmon Oil is one of the salmon oils on the market with the highest quality. But let’s see what makes Brilliant Salmon Oil so special: 

    • It contains 550mg per g of omegas, & all 21 omegas and fatty acids
    • It is 100% pure and totally fresh 
    • No toxicity and zero chemical processing 
  • Natural orange color 
  • Fresh salmon taste and smell 
  • Traced from fjord to bottle 
  • Minimal environmental impact

The salmon used for Brilliant is carefully selected and processed locally, and it is made only with fresh salmon offcuts. 

Check out our Instagram page and see our happy pets around the world!

Read more: Discover the 9 Science-Backed Benefits of Salmon Oil for Dogs

Final Words: Is Salmon Oil Effective in Treating Diseases? 

Salmon oil and its omegas are effective in treating diseases. However, it should be used as a supplement treatment.

If it is combined with prescribed medicine, you can notice great results. So, consistent usage will improve the overall health status of your pet. 

Our #1 choice for therapeutic usage is Brilliant Salmon oil due to its amazing properties. If you are planning to use it for certain diseases, don’t forget to consult with your veterinarian.

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