How Long Does it Take For Salmon Oil to Work For Dogs? Five Factors That Affect It | Brilliant Petcare


How Long For Salmon Oil To Work For Dogs

How Long Does it Take For Salmon Oil to Work For Dogs? Five Factors That Affect It

You might be thinking about buying salmon oil and what could be holding you back is: how long might it take to work for my dog? 

Usually, pet parents report the benefits of salmon oil shows results within 2-4 weeks for their dog or cat.

However, there are five factors that determine how quickly salmon oil could benefit your pet.

Brilliant’s salmon oil for dogs has thousands of reviews confirming this time frame is enough to show the amazing health benefits of salmon oil.

And did you know, that’s why this fantastic product also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Let’s dig deeper and find out everything about how long salmon oil takes to work for dogs. Stay with us!

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What is Salmon Oil?

Salmon oil is a healthy food supplement that contains important Omega-3 fatty acids for your dog or cat. 

Domesticated dogs today often don’t regularly consume enough fish in their diet, and so they don’t get these essential nutrients. Adding salmon oil as a healthy and convenient food topper instead will provide your pooch with all the omega fatty acids he or she needs for a healthy life.

There is a lot of hype around EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are commonly found in salmon oil (and other fish oils). These are 2 out of 3 types of Omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for dogs. 

However, did you know that there are an amazing 21 omegas and fatty acids in fresh salmon, not just the famous EPA and DHA? Pick a high quality salmon oil such as Brilliant if you want your dog to benefit from the full spectrum of healthy fatty acids. 

Because it’s made from fresh salmon offcuts and uses a proprietary production method, every 100g grams contains an incredible 30,000 milligrams of omegas and fatty acids. That’s up to 7x more than competitor salmon oils! 

Our advice: Carefully read the label and check the amounts of total omegas and fatty acids, not just EPA and DHA


Tell-Tale Signs That Confirm if Your Dog Needs Salmon Oil

Even if your pet is the picture of health, salmon oil will increase the quality of your pet’s life. 

So, if you are still deciding whether to purchase this product, don’t be! Salmon oil provides many benefits for every dog. 

However, the biggest mistake of many pet owners is that they look out for supplements only when their dogs have some underlying health issue. The key to a long and healthy dog life is taking preventative action: give you dog the best diet now, and it will keep him healthy for longer.

There are three tell-tale signs that confirm if your dog needs salmon oil: 

  1. Dry and shabby coat
  2. Itchy skin
  3. Not enjoying food

Let’s dive into each one in more detail:

Dry and shabby coat

Sometimes the skin and coat are the mirror of the dog’s health. For example, dry and shabby coats might be signs of micronutrient deficiencies. 

When dogs lack Omega-3 fatty acids, they lack appropriate barriers and protection that include the coat. 

Interesting fact: In some cases, when dogs are sick, the coat and skin are the first to suffer. Simply explained, the vital organs “steal” the nutrients from the skin and coat.


Itchy skin

A lot of dogs face itchy skin during their lives. Whether it is from allergies, atopic dermatitis, or some other issues – itchiness is not pleasant at all.

But the good news is that Omega-3 can reduce the itchiness. However, there are some factors to consider before you see any results. 

Not enjoying food

Does your dog refuse food? No worries, there is a solution! 

Lack of appetite can be for a number of reasons. So, make sure you visit your vet to perform a regular check-up. 

However, the most common reason is your dog doesn’t enjoy the taste of his kibble! The quickest and most affordable way to solve this is a few pumps of fresh salmon oil.

Whatever the reason for the lack of appetite is, your pet will surely enjoy the fresh taste of salmon oil in his kibble.

5 Factors That Affect How Long Salmon Oil Takes to Work for Your Dog

Let’s take a look at the main factors that affect the efficiency of salmon oil!

1. Dog’s diet

If your dog’s nutrition mainly consists of kibble, you will see a very quick effect. However, this also depends on some other factors. 

Usually, when dogs consume kibble, they are not getting the complete nutrition required. So, the salmon oil will be the perfect boost. 

2. Dog’s age

Brilliant salmon oil is a perfect product for dogs at any age. However, don’t expect impossible things if your dog is elderly. 

It is well known that older dogs react to therapy slower than young dogs. So, bear in mind that age can limit the efficiency of salmon oil. 

Saying that, if your dog’s joints are suffering from old age, salmon oil could help give them that new lease of life. Many pet parents report increased energy and bounciness after a few weeks of salmon oil for older dogs.

3. Salmon oil dosage

When talking about dosage, be careful to follow our mini manual. We recommend regular usage as instructed on the label or instructed by your vet. 

Our recommendation is 1 pump per 3 kg of body weight. However, if your dog suffers from some severe disease, we advise consulting with your vet as well. 

If you are not following our recommendations or practice lower or intermittent usage, you will not get the desired results. 

4. Dog’s breed

According to AKC, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies, and Labradors are dog breeds that shed a lot. On the other side, Maltese, Poodle, Bichon Frise, and Shih Tzu are “low shedders”. 

For high shedders, the results will take more time. Renewing the coat is a hard and long process that can be challenging for many pet owners. 

In such cases, providing highly nutritious food mixed with salmon oil is the perfect combination. 

Food rich in vitamins and minerals can contribute to a better and shinier coat. 

5. Salmon oil product quality

A high quality salmon oil will enjoy the following attributes:

  1. Made from the fresh salmon
  2. Is farmed not wild (as wild contains high levels of toxins and heavy metals)
  3. High concentration of omegas and fatty acids

Find a product with these attributes and it will have the biggest and quickest impact on your dog’s health.

Brilliant Salmon Oil ticks all of these boxes! It is possibly the freshest and most fatty acid rich salmon oil on the market. 

Make sure you follow the guideline provided by us, and your pet will enjoy the many benefits of this salmon oil. 

So, to conclude: avoid cheaper salmon oils which have questionable sourcing policies. 

Top tip: An easy way to check if your salmon oil is fresh is by pumping it into a clear glass. Is it cloudy, murky or totally dark and unclear? If it is, avoid!


What 3 Signs of Improvement to Look Out for

Your pet will enjoy many health benefits while consuming salmon oil. This is due to the different kinds of Omega-3s and fatty acids. 

These are the 3 most common health improvements after regular consumption of salmon oil: 

Besides this, your pet will enjoy a better working cardiovascular system, better appetite, softer paws, and increased energy. 

Conclusion: How Long Do You Have to Wait for Results?

In the end, the efficiency of Brilliant Salmon is indisputable. The results will be visible between 2-4 weeks. 

However, proper and regular consumption is the key to success. 

Your pet will enjoy many health benefits, including a shinier coat, reduced itching, and supple joints. He’ll also look forward to meal times again! So, what are you waiting for?

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