Is Salmon Oil The Secret Relief for Itching Dogs? | Brilliant Petcare


relief for itching dogs

Is Salmon Oil The Secret Relief for Itching Dogs?

Itchy and irritated dog skin can be an absolute nightmare for both dog dermatologists and paw parents. Many factors lead to itchy skin, but is there some kind of relief for itching dogs? Can you give salmon oil to soothe your dog’s itchiness?

If it’s down to allergies, it’s completely safe and beneficial to give your dog salmon oil. Besides relieving your dog from itchiness, our Brilliant Salmon Oil is an excellent remedy for your dog’s fur. Pet parents can achieve results within 2-4 weeks.

Stay with us and let’s discuss everything about relief for itching dogs!

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Best Way To Resolve Itchiness in Dogs

Have you noticed your dog itching and scratching more than usual? Take your dog to the vet, determine the underlying cause behind the frequent scratching, and follow the vet’s orders.

The vet should perform tests to diagnose allergies, infections, or other conditions. If the dog swells or starts itching after it has eaten something, then there is a high chance the dog is allergic to a given food. If your dog’s skin is really dry, it can lead to itchiness.

It’s the vet’s job to address the issue properly. 

Avoid taking matters into your own hands or even using human medications to treat the issue. But you could always improve the healing process. And you can do it with none other than salmon oil. This product has shown amazing results in dogs and it is used for various health issues besides itching. There is a large number of scientific papers that confirm its efficacy. 

Read more: Find out how Brilliant Salmon Oil can reduce itchiness and shedding in dogs

Stop Dog Itching With Salmon Oil for Dogs

Salmon oil can do wonders for your dog’s skin and serve as a relief for itching dogs. Salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve skin and coat health in dogs, potentially reducing itching caused by dry skin, allergies, or other skin conditions.

Brilliant Salmon Oil serves as a skin barrier and protects your dog from serious allergic or flea responses. The fatty acids found in salmon oil form a protective layer that gives the skin moisture and acts as a barrier to allergens or irritants. Also, it soothes the dry skin. All in all, salmon oil is the best relief for an itching dog. 

It takes around 28 days to see the first results. Once four weeks have passed, you’ll see a difference in the dog’s coat and paws. Better yet, the oil in Brilliant Salmon Oil is extracted without the use of chemicals and has over 21 fatty acids. Once implemented, the results will be nothing short of amazing.

What Makes Salmon Oil So Healthy?

When salmon oil became a dog-approved remedy for relief, many decided to learn the science behind the oil’s powerful ingredients. 

Salmon oil contains the trio magnifico– fatty acids omega 3, 6, and 9. These fatty acids not only promote healthier skin but they lead to improved heart health and a better immune system. It was found that salmon oil contains two types of fatty acids

Both are extremely beneficial for both humans and pets but are not produced naturally in the body. Instead, we have to get them through food. 

Salmon oil is beneficial in many ways, and you can notice the results in just a couple of weeks. After a while, you’ll start to see a happier and livelier dog.

Salmon oil makes your dog smarter. Research showed that 9-week-old pups fed with salmon oil in their diet were easier to train and had improved memory. To nurture their cognitive function, add salmon oil as a supplement to their food. 

Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of salmon oil reduce scratching and shedding, making the coat smoother and shiner. The fatty acids form a protective layer that gives moisture to your dog’s skin and acts as a protective barrier to your dog’s skin. More than that, salmon oil helps fight off diseases and infections

With Brilliant Salmon Oil, your pet can enjoy many health benefits, such as:

  • Shiny coat
  • No itchiness
  • Enhanced appetite 
  • Healthy energy
  • Soft paws

Another benefit of Brilliant Salmon Oil is that thanks to the omega fatty acids, customers experience reduced shedding and easier combing. And the best thing? Based on customer reviews, dogs seem to love it. 

How Much Salmon Oil Do Dogs Need? 

The amount of salmon oil a dog needs depends on the dog’s:

  • Size 
  • Weight
  • Overall health

Brilliant Salmon Oil comes with daily dosage guidelines based on the factors just mentioned. Dogs should get 1ml for every 3 kg of body weight. 

Remember to always hold the bottle upright when adding it to your dog’s food. 

To avoid a digestive upset, introduce the oil slowly and gradually to your dog’s diet. Start with a smaller dose to see how the dog will react and monitor for any kind of reaction.

Read more: Find out more and read our ultimate guide for dosing in dogs!

Reasons Behind Dog’s Itchy Skin Condition

As humans, we know just how frustrating it is to have itchy skin, so whenever we see our dog scratching or even biting on its body, we cannot help but feel the need to help it out in any way we can. From home remedies to visiting the vet, there’s nothing we won’t do as long as our dog is safe and sound. Although itchiness doesn’t refer to any particular illness, it is one of the many symptoms that could indicate a potential illness. 

But what causes itchy skin in dogs? Are allergies the main and only root for a dog’s itchy skin, or are there other factors that lead to skin irritation? Let’s find out!


Skin allergies in dogs, also referred to as allergic dermatitis, are the most common type of allergic reaction. Generally, there are two types of allergies – food and airborne allergies. When it comes to allergic dermatitis, the leading factors could be fleas allergies, food allergies, and atopical allergies. 

Flea allergy dermatitis is actually an allergic reaction that occurs when a dog gets bitten by a flea. But the flea allergy doesn’t occur occasionally. Some dogs are allergic to flea saliva. The most common symptoms are skin turning to red or inflamed skin. 

Another cause of skin allergies in dogs comes from food. Just like us, some dogs are allergic to a given substance found in dog food or human food appropriate for dogs. All this leads to itchy skin. In skin allergies, with food being the reason behind them, dogs typically have itchy ears or paws, sometimes presenting gastrointestinal symptoms.

Environmental allergies can also lead to irritated skin. Some environmental or inhalant allergens are pollen, mold, grass, weeds, fungi, and dander. 

Did you know? 

Canine atopic dermatitis is one of the most prevalent chronic skin diseases, affecting around 20-30% of dogs.

When dogs inhale or absorb some of the mentioned allergens, the allergens stimulate the immune system and release histamine. Dogs with contact allergies often show symptoms only in the area that touched the allergen. 

In most cases, atopical allergies are associated with red skin, itching, or even swelling. Frequent scratching can lead to:

  • Wounds
  • Infections
  • Scaling

When a dog scratches the affected area, it can damage the skin tissue, which could further lead to skin infections and wounds. Severe skin infections can be excruciating for your dog. 

Be it food, flea, or environmental allergy, they are not limited to the skin– dogs may develop some respiratory or gastrointestinal issues. 

Did you know? 

Some breeds are more susceptible to developing skin problems than others. Purebreds that have a history of skin problems are Cocker Spaniels, French Puddles, and Retrievers. 


Now for the fun part. There’s not a single dog that doesn’t want a bite from their owner’s meal. And as most cannot stay indifferent to those puppy eyes, dogs do get their way with a bite or two. But dogs can be pretty sensitive to some foods (even with the ingredients in their dog food), which can lead to itchy skin. 

In most cases, a few scratches here and there shouldn’t cause a severe problem to your dog’s skin, but frequent scratching is definitely a cause for concern. And while food shouldn’t be a cause of severe problems, an extremely bad diet contributes to your dog’s overall health issues.

With so many pawparents struggling with skin issues, hypoallergenic dog food has become more and more popular in recent years. Most hypoallergenic dog foods are easy to digest and less likely to trigger allergic reactions.

In addition to the hypoallergenic dog food, if you want to keep your dog’s skin healthy, you can add some supplements to the dog’s bowl. Salmon oil, or more specifically Brilliant Salmon Oil, comes with 21 omega fatty acids and no chemicals. In just 2-4 weeks, you’ll notice exceptional differences. You’ll say goodbye to scratches and itching, and better yet– your dog will have the softest paws ever and a shiny coat that will make heads turn.

Side note: We always advise you to consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet.


As much as spring and summer are adorned, they don’t bring only sunny days. They bring fleas, your dog’s worst enemy. There’s one more creature that loves your dog, maybe even more than you. Fleas!

Although dark brown and very tiny (0.1 to 0.3 centimeters), fleas can be a real nightmare. Not only can they lay over 50 eggs a day, but these parasites transmit many, many diseases. It seems that fleas love a warm and humid environment. That’s why some dogs seem to be more of a flea magnet than others. Fleas love to latch onto a dog’s skin with greater moisture levels. 

But we have great news! You can get rid of fleas with sprays, oil, and flea collars. But if you want your dog to have a shiny and soft coat. The fatty acids found in salmon oil balance the moisture in the skin. More than that, salmon oil builds strong barriers to fight off not only seasonal allergens but also serves as a flea repellent. It prevents fleas from latching onto your dog’s fur.

Fun fact: Although extremely small, fleas can jump surprisingly high– even 150 times their height.


As a result of the change in climate, dogs can develop dry and itchy skin. Itchy skin is especially common during the winter months or if you live in an area with low humidity. As the temperatures fall down to at least zero degrees Celsius or below, the skin in dogs can become drier and itchier. Not all dogs thrive in snowy conditions and can even be bothered by the cold. 

Luckily, there are a few things to alleviate your pet’s discomfort, with salmon oil being a go-to option for most. The Omega 3 anti-inflammatory superpowers soothe the skin and act as a protective layer, thanks to the fatty acids. 

Symptoms of Itchiness in Dogs

If the dog suffers from skin infections, it will lead to:

  • Hair loss from excessive scratching
  • Scaling
  • Odor 
  • Licking 

How Long Does Salmon Oil Take to Work for Dogs’ Skin?

Most pet parents start seeing results after 2-4 weeks. But it depends. Some may see results at the beginning of the second week after incorporating salmon oil into a dog’s diet, while others may notice a slight difference only after the fourth week. Once salmon oil starts working, pet parents will notice a shiner, healthier coat. And the best part? Reduced itchiness.

The results also depend on the dog’s current health condition. Other medical issues might slow down the healing process. This is the reason why we recommend regular veterinary visits. Also, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian to determine if other drugs and supplements are needed for a full recovery. 

What Foods Help Dogs With Itchy Skin?

Food with fatty acids is definitely part of the ingredient list! We recommend either a hypoallergenic food or food that has concentrated forms of fatty acids. You can add salmon or fish oil, eggs, and shellfish to your dog’s diet to help them soothe the itchiness. 

Is Itching in Cats the Same as in Dogs?

Yes, itching in cats, just as in dogs, is because of allergies, infections, and parasites. But giving them a soothing remedy, like salmon oil, could help with itchiness. After all, our Brilliant Salmon Oil is designed for both cats and dogs.  

Final Words: Is Salmon Oil the Best Relief for Itching Dog?

Brilliant Salmon oil is a fantastic product and the best relief remedy for itching dogs. If your dog experiences allergies, has a flea bite reaction or has dry skin because of the cold weather, just incorporate salmon oil into the dog’s diet, and in just a couple of weeks, you’ll notice tremendous differences. 

Remember, we always advise visiting the vet first and only adding salmon oil as a supplement to your dog’s diet. 

Give your dog the gift of a healthier coat and relief from itchingbuy Brilliant Salmon Oil today and see the difference!


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